


A young woman in a professional environment using her IPad


The Group has adopted the Finance Sector Code of Corporate Governance issued by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission.

As a financial services group, Praxis is fully committed to the principles of good corporate governance including effective management, reporting and transparency.

Our Board of Directors considers effective governance to be at the heart of good business management. Our approach is focused on ensuring that the process the Group follows to make key business decisions allows for careful consideration of the impact those decisions have on the wider stakeholder group.


The Group operates within complex regulatory environments in each of its jurisdictions. We aim to ensure we meet or exceed those regulatory requirements.

We put risk management and regulatory compliance at the forefront of our operation, and it remains a core focus in all day-to-day activity and staff training.

We deal with our regulators in an open manner and have a constructive dialogue with them as required.

Click here for full regulatory details of our Praxis offices.

Praxis Map 1440X810

Our locations

Our offices across the globe enable us to provide international and cross-jurisdictional solutions to your financial aspirations.
