


Guernsey Lighthouse | Praxis


Quite simply one of the world's most stable, experienced and well regarded international finance centres.

Praxis has traded in Guernsey since 1983 when it initially offered fiduciary services for corporate and private clients, adding pensions in 2017 and specialist yacht ownership services in 2023.

A mature, vibrant and innovative international finance centre, Guernsey has a well established reputation for the provision of international trust and corporate services.

At a glance
  • Self-governing and self-funding. Over 800 years of independence

  • Flexible, pragmatic financial regulator – Guernsey Financial Services Commission

  • Worldwide reputation for financial services innovation

  • Home to more non-UK entities listing on the London Stock Exchange than any other jurisdiction*

*Information supplied by Guernsey Finance

PraxisIFM Trust Limited
Regency Court
Glategny Esplanade
St Peter Port
Guernsey, GY1 2NH

+44 1481 737 600

PraxisIFM Trust Limited
PO Box 296
Regency Court
Glategny Esplanade
St Peter Port
Guernsey, GY1 4NA

+44 1481 737 600


PraxisIFM Treasury
PO Box 296
Regency Court
Glategny Esplanade
St Peter Port
Guernsey, GY1 4NA

+44 1481 728 933


Praxis Yacht Services Limited
PO Box 296
Regency Court
Glategny Esplanade
St Peter Port
Guernsey, GY1 4NA

+44 23 8212 6400


Cavendish Corporate Investments PCC Limited
PO Box 296
Regency Court
Glategny Esplanade
St Peter Port
Guernsey, GY1 4NA

T +44 1481 737 600

Trireme Pension Services (Guernsey) Limited
PO Box 296
Regency Court
Glategny Esplanade
St Peter Port
Guernsey, GY1 4NA

T +44 1481 737 600



Who to contact